Sunday, January 26, 2014

Videos bring us closer together

I'm not sure how you feel about videoing yourself, but I felt like a big goober when I did it.

Let me back up a minute and tell you why I'm talking about this. I have a group of writer friends. They are from EVERYWHERE, even Canada. We call ourselves the 'Goat Posse'. (That's a long, story that was funny at the time and you wouldn't get it, so we won't go into our sorted We cover every coast and a lot of states in between. They are some of the coolest, loving, most supportive people in the universe. But only a few of us have ever met each other in person. I've been fortunate enough for a group of them to Skype me when they got together in Vegas for the last two summers. So I've talked to a few, but not all of them.

So one of them....young and brave Ashlee, made a video so we could hear her sweet, squeaky voice. I just LOVED it. To be able to hear and see her was so great. I giggled and watched it about four times. Then I thought, I want everybody else to do this too. Well....I couldn't want everybody else to do it if I wasn't willing to do it.
So, with my trusty cell phone, I tried to talk to it....delete. I tried again...delete. I felt like an idiot talking to my phone, but then I remembered who it was for. My crew. The posse. The people that are so full of awesome, they're getting published left and right. Two of them posted a video from ALA this weekend in Philly, I think.
After about 4 more tries, I got mine posted on our page..finally. In all the cringe-worthiness of everything I saw wrong in that video, of course...they didn't care. They didn't care that I didn't have on any make up. They didn't care that I had on a sweatshirt and a jacket because it had been freezing cold ALL day. They didn't care that my hair wasn't fixed. I'm not even sure I'd washed it that day. They didn't care that I'm about 40 pounds overweight and hate how fat my face looks in pictures now. All they cared about was me. They love me--who I am as a person and a writer. They are the people who told me I was a writer, because before any of them said it, I didn't really believe I was. I just liked to hang out with them because they are so awesome and I loved their work and them as people. Now there are only a few of them that haven't posted videos yet. I've gone back and watched the ones that are up over and over to hear their voices so I can hear them in my head when I read what they've written on the screen.
I don't know about the rest of them, but I feel closer to them now more than ever. They're more than just a name, picture and comments...we can hear each other....I think this is going to be the beginning of an even closer knit group.
Love all of you!
Precy, Ashlee, Angela, Bethany, Mary, Lisa, JLo, Anita, Darke, Amy, Eric, Phreshy, Justin, Kalen, Michelle, Kerri, and Rioghnach.


  1. SO sweet Suzanne! I definitely agree, it's one thing to read someone's WiP/MS (even though, that does make you feel closer to them as well, you get a little piece of their soul in their art), and chat with them online, but seeing and hearing everyone and their families was so...neat. Not a great word choice, but true!!

    Love you lady!

  2. This post makes me smile so much! This weekend has been a blast!! :)

  3. Awww love you chica! This is so sweet. You're darn right we love you exactly how you are and we believe in you as a writer. Seeing everyone's videos this weekend made it feel like a giant slumber party. So much fun! I hope we get to meet you at the goat convention this summer. :-)

  4. *sniffles* This is just so...RIGHT.
    Everybody should have a posse. (Not a goat one, though. Too many goats wandering about would leave a hole in the tin can market)

  5. AWWWWW!! I LOVED this!!! I definitely think our group is one of a kind ;) Yes, there are other writer groups out there, but I don't really think there are any quite like us :) I so enjoyed watching everyone's videos, too :) Love all you guys!

  6. This is beautiful sentiment, and so very true. We are there for each other no matter what, and I love the fact that no matter what writing path each of us is on, we support each other and there's no hostility or resentment. Our goatcave is our sacred place.

  7. My cheeks hurt from grinning! AND I will post a video soon. In the meantime, you can always watch my ghost-hunting video :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Awww, I agree! It's made me feel closer to everyone, too! Like I can tune their voices in now when they're writing something in the cave. That's so magical. Isn't it awesome living in a day and time when technology has advanced enough to bring us into each others homes, literally? <3 What a great write up, Red. I love this! And promise, as soon as time permits, I'll get my vid posted, too. #goatwub all around!

  10. *hugs* Of COURSE we love you! What's not to love?!? :) Our 'posse is the best and I think we all feel the same kinship and affection that you described so perfectly! As for the videos, I'm so glad I made mine (even though I get kinda embarrassed about my squeaks!). Seeing and hearing y'all--some for the 1st time--has made my whole week!

  11. Love you back, you little hottie you! ;)

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