Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 3-Warm air

     I live in the South.  Middle Tennessee to be exact.  Our weather can be fickle sometimes.  Depending on the month, the temperatures swing back and forth.  Last week, it was highs in the 30's and lows in the 20's.  In the past two days, we've had highs in the 60's, which I'm not complaining about at all.  It's not usually this cold for this long here.  Usually in the south we're spoiled and even in the winter we've had some warm days by now, but this year, it's been like everybody else's winter.  Cold.  Every day.

     I've noticed the past few days how everything comes back to life when the warm air pays us a visit.  Not just the earth coming back to life.  It's not really time for that just yet.  The neighborhood itself bursts open with life again.  I walk outside and I hear kids squealing as they bounce on their abandoned trampoline.  Metal on metal clinking as my neighbor works on one of his cars in his garage with all the doors up, welcoming in the warm air.  Our own garage door flies open as well when it gets warm.  It seemed like all the birds were throwing a party around our yard complete with surround sound chirping.  Our old dog, Blossom, even gets a spring in her step when we go outside to do any little thing.  We've been hibernating indoors for so long because the cold drives us in and keeps us in.

     I don't know if it sounds cliche or not, but today was glorious.  Temperatures in the mid 60's all day today.  I even fired up the grill and grilled some hamburgers for our supper.  It's enough to get spring fever....but I know better.  I know that this is still January and this is Middle Tennessee.  Old man winter's not done with us yet, but I'll welcome the warm air any day it wants to come by.

 This was taken in the summer...but the sky is blue like today...and my neighbor's garage doors are up...:)

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